
Bench Depot™ Offers a Variety of Discounts

Destination Discounts:

Are offered to most customers, and are computed based on the distance from our distribution facility. View the destination discount map.


Quantity discounts:

Are displayed on each price page.


Price Freeze:

Customers receiving quantity discounts on an order may return within sixty days and receive the same advanced discount for smaller orders going to the same location.


Thirty Day Price Hold:

All quoted prices are held for a minimum of 30 days.


Freight Discounts:

We recommend customers use our preferred carriers to get the best discounts. This allows us to find the best remedy in case of carrier damage.


Year End Rebates:

BenchPro™ and Bench Depot™ customers with yearly sales volume equal to the level shown below will receive a credit rebate on or before January 15th of the following year. (Computed: Total products sold times rebate percentage).

Customers with special pricing arrangement(s) are not eligible.

Purchase Levels Rebate
$500,000 2%
$1,250,000 3%
$2,500,000 4%
$4,000,000 5%
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