Washington Cleanroom ESD Tall Chairs 10" Stroke
Height 1 Lever:
•Nylon Base: 24" to 34".
•Chrome Base: 26"to 36"
•Aluminum Base: 24" to 34".
Height 3 Lever:
•Nylon Base: 25" to 35".
•Chrome Base: 27"to 37"
•Aluminum Base: 25" to 35".
Seat: 21.5" Wide, 17" Deep. Waterfall Front. Fully Ergonomic.
Back: 15.5" High. Comfortable Lumbar Support.
Base: 5 Leg.
Footring Diameter: 18".
- ISO 14644-1 – Classification of Air Cleanliness.
- ISO 14644-3 – Test Methods.
- IES-RP-CC006.2 – Testing Cleanrooms.
BenchPro™ cleanroom chair components are wiped down with alcohol prior to packaging, then double bagged and boxed.
Foam Construction: 3” Thick Five density foam set. The top layer is Memory Foam for exceptional comfort, under that is soft foam maximize comfort for lighter weight person, then Medium Density followed by extra firm foam for the heavier person. Under this is a special firm foam with a cut-out pattern in the center to protect the exclusive internal 3M™ filter system from excessive compression.
We also offer European design braking casters and immobile glides, which will reduce the occurrence of chairs scooting away when being loaded.